Hello and welcome to my Blog!

This Blog is going to be an account of my trips over to the 'Land of the Free' , to visit 'Uncle Sam' , the good old U S of A. Lots of places were seen over the course of three trips and lots of photos were taken, which will be added in due course. The first few posts will be recounting a week me and my good friend Malcolm Meikle spent in New York City in March 2001. Then we fast forward to November 2003 when me and Malcy returned on a three week trip and were joined by another friend, Ricky Mcnamee. This trip began in San Francisco and ended in NYC, taking in a whole load of places inbetween (Yosemite, Vegas, LA, New Orleans, Memphis and more). The third trip was on honeymoon with my wife Angie in September 2006, a ten day visit that could easily be made into a Channel 4 real life film adventure, believe me! Feel free to leave a comment on any post (by clicking the yellow 'comment' button beneath the post), good or bad, I dont mind. Honest! And feel just as free to become a follower of the Blog (by clicking on the 'follow' button on the right hand side of the page) to keep up to speed with updates. Ok, so stay tuned, enjoy the read (and photos!) thanks for dropping by, and I'll see y'all real soon. Steve

Friday, 1 July 2011

That was the week that was

So the week was just about over. I took so many photos I must have kept the camera shops in business all week just on my own. (I was getting the films developed as soon as they were full, didn’t want any little accidents spoiling them!).

 I had even given Malc a disposable camera and told him to take some photos of me when I wasn’t looking, when I wasn’t expecting it, (instead of posing for photos all the time). He did this ok but most of the pictures were taken with Malc standing behind me so most of them are just of me from the back. Nice try Malc!

One photo I missed out on was when an old guy cycled past us one day near Central Park dressed head to toe in gold coloured clothes. He had a ghetto-blaster strapped to a shelf on the front of his bike which was blasting our Frank Sinatra’s `New York New York`. Never did see him again.

 We didn’t make it back to the Intrepid either, like I said the week just flew by. The day we left was March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day. It’s an occasion wildly celebrated in New York with a massive parade up Fifth Ave. from 44th to 86th St. We caught a little bit of the parade around 52nd St. but had other things on our minds, like getting ready to head home. Well that plus the fact we didn't fancy mingling with hoardes of drunken Irish/would-be Irish 'revellers' marching the streets with green beer whilst looking for red English blood. Funny, you never see those pictures on the telly.  

It was with heavy feet but happy heart (or should that be the other way around?) that I jumped into the minibus back to JFK. I had done it at last. And I had a suitcase full of mementoes, souvenirs and photos to keep with me.

 Although we’d seen and done a lot, I know there is a lot more to do and see in New York City.  The further we rode away from Manhattan the more I craned my neck to catch one last glimpse of the city so damned good they named it twice!

Even before we were airborne I was making plans for a return journey to the USA. Read on……………. 



  1. some belting pics mate, like the one of malcolm with the nufc flag

  2. that's the one i'd mentioned earlier, shame you couldn't of celebrated paddys day with the iriash/wannabe irish though would've been good i reckon

  3. Trouble was Lee, they were all pissed up and looking for trouble, so we just gave it a miss!!

  4. Aye mate, Malcolm's a closet Mag really!
